Monday, July 1, 2019

Stage 09: New Day, New Draft

I came into 2019 with a ten thousand word start on this new version of Gorracula.

It had a central character. It had a narrative voice. It had the legacy of work I'd put in on previous versions providing a narrative skeleton.

In 2013 I had gone to the Midwest Writer's Conference with a previous version of this story. I remained on their mailing list so I got word they were hosting a conference centered on finding an agent. I have never relinquished the focused hope that I will become a published writer and I used this event as a point of focus and motivation.

I bought tickets as soon as they went on sale in January. It was scheduled for May and I decided I would have a draft ready by then.

As it drew closer that came clear as a naive hope. Life was just too busy. I was making progress but not that level. I took mornings on my vacation to Florida to write by the ocean while everyone else slept and the sun came up. I snagged stray moments between work tasks but was not getting near my goal.

So I scaled it back and decided I would have 50,000 words written. I began waking up an hour earlier than I needed to in order to write for the month leading up to the conference. This had me up at 5:30 am and I'm fairly certain my proper work-work suffered for it. but I got to my goal and by the time the agenting conference came around I had the comfort of knowing my book was well over half way done and I had met a goal.

I got to make a handful of encouraging pitches to the agents in attendance. I came away with greater energy and self assurance. I decided to let off the gas until the end of the semester when life would become more open. At the beginning of June I decided I would treat writing as my job and finish a draft by the end of the month.

I insisted on a thousand words a day, or more. I started waking up an hour early just to write again. I plugged and grinded and worked and worked.

June 30th, 11pm, one hour left in the month to meet my goal, I typed the words, "The End."

I had my draft.

Now I intend to edit and polish for the month of July then I will seek representation for Gorracula.

I have a plan, I have a book and I have time. I am optimistic.

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