Monday, August 24, 2015

Gorracula: Origins

The story begins in film school on a cluttered and busy student film set in Orlando, Fl. that's where the idea was born. It was late spring 2011 and I was an extra on a friend's project.
It was really really late.

They didn't need me for the scene, set at a Halloween party with people in sweaty costumes beneath the production lighting. I went and sat next to Matt, the sound mixer. He pointed at one of the other extras who was dressed as a gorilla, propped against a wall looking passed out.

"This would be a way better movie if the gorilla just went nuts and killed everybody!" He said, joking about the desire for chaos that often accompanies hours and hours of open ended waiting.

"What, like a kill-rilla?" I said, frankly impressed at my own sleep deprived wit.

He laughed and said, "What if it was a vampire?"

"A Gorracula!" I replied increasingly proud of my linguistic prowess.

From there we spun a tale of a gorilla in a college laboratory who learns to speak and becomes a local celebrity. But unbeknownst to anyone he has also been bitten by a radioactive bat in an adjacent lab and at night becomes a blood sucking horror. There was speculation that he might start a rock band called Gorracula and the Killrillas and host sock hops that he then ravages in the throws of bloodlust.

As the story has evolved however it has become a bit more sensible. There's no rock band at least.

Read PT 2.

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